Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Late-Onset Depression
A new study has revealed exposure to air pollution has certain associations with depression, specifically for people above the age of 64.
Sew Good and Trendy Sells Environmentally Conscious Accessories
Rachel Shelton has taken trendy and eco-friendly to a whole new level with her online Etsy store, Sew Good and Trendy, where she sells fashion bags. Since 2008, Shelton has had a passion for sewing. “I love sewing. My grandma taught me how to sew and I had a sewing machine when I was in […]
Locals Find Eco Friendly Activities To Incorporate Into Their Daily Lives
Lori Feldman and her husband, Mick Knobbe, are locals who remain environmentally conscious every day through simple changes in their lives.
Our Climate Is Changing Right In Front Of Us
The climate is changing. It is like a shiny red light that is urgently telling us over and over that things are changing.
Envision Positive Promotes Veganism
Veganism has many health and environmental benefits, while also opening up the mind to encompass compassion for those around them.